Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Microsoft Teams More Tips - Channels

This time I am focusing on Channels  

Bookmarks in Microsoft Teams Channels

Bookmarks are a useful tool in MS Teams channels as they allow us to save a message or a place in a conversation for future needs. To bookmark a conversation, just click the bookmark icon. To access the bookmark, you click on your profile and select "Saved" or type the slash command shortcut '/saved' into the command bar

@Mentions in Microsoft Teams Channels

When we use the mention @team in a channel, all team members get notified, as well when using @Channel each team member who follows that channel will be notified. We also can mention the members of the channel by @mentioning them.

Marking as 'Unread' in Microsoft Teams Channels

If we want to remember a conversation, it is nice to mark it as 'unread', we mark it 'unread' as follows; Go to the top of the message and select 'more options' => 'Mark Unread'.

Do Not Disturb for Microsoft Teams Channels

When we want to stop the notifications from Microsoft Teams channels. It is done by changing the status to 'Do not Disturb'. To set the status to 'Do not Disturb', type in the command bar '/dnd'.

Translation in Microsoft Teams Channels

We can translate messages from a language to another in MS Teams. To do that click the "..." on the top right side and select 'translate' in the menu that pops up. The message will be translated into the preferred language. we can use the same menu to revert the message to its original language.

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